HCD is able to provide our services almost anywhere on the planet thanks to the power of the Internet and remote applications such as AnyDesk, TeamViewer and messaging apps like WhatsApp. While remote applications do have their own voip set ups, it’s generally easier to provide support via a combination of the remote software and a mobile phone.

The first step is to give our tech support access to your PC via AnyDesk or TeamViewer, two of the most popuar remote access programmes. This involves users sending a unique ID for TeamViewer access, which can be done without having someone at the computer after hours for tech support with TeamViewer. For AnyDesk, you’ll need to provide us with your unique ID and also accept a remote support request.

dragon remote support

The second step will depend on whether you require tech support or training. If you require tech support, we can get to work on resolving whatever issue you’re experiencing. If it’s a reinstall, a glitch or a corrupt profile, these kinds of issues can be fixed independently.

If, however, it’s a usage or hardware problem such as poor accuracy, a headset not switching on or the software not responding normally, we may require your assistance. While remote support can do a great deal without having someone there in person, there are still some things like moving flash drives or plugging in headsets that still require human interaction.

If you’re preparing for training, then you will most certainly need to have your WhatsApp or phone on standby. Using a speakerphone, we can ensure that training can commence with our trainer able to guide you through the steps. This would usually involve having someone sitting and instructing you over your shoulder but with remote access we can see your screen clearly and can easily jump in to assist.

While there are serious advantages to being in the room when it comes to hardware and tech support related issues without any lag or reliance on data or connectivity, there are a great many pluses when it comes to offering remote training and support.

One of the biggest things is not having to travel to be there. This works both ways since there’s less of an inconvenience when it comes to delays and if it’s an international session, the exorbitant costs are negligible bar some time zone inconvenience.

While it’s great to offer the personal touch of being able to assist in person, it’s almost very convenient to train with the option to take over without having to lean over to “take the wheel”. Having someone communicating with you via speakerphone makes it much more focussed and if you’re struggling to hear your trainer, plugging an earphone into your free ear with volume control can make a big difference.

Since the pandemic, we’ve been trying to refine this process to offer our services as quickly and efficiently as possible. While we strive to serve everyone how they’d like to receive our services, there are instances where it’s so much easier for our support and trainers to log on instantly using remote access.

The Ins and Outs of Dragon Remote Support
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